
Tromsø 2014

Just like last year I left Switzerland for Tromsø in northern Norway on February 15th 2014.

But this time I did not want to go as a tourist on a week hunt of aurorae (northern lights), this time I joined the fotoreisen.ch team as a tour-driver.

Here I am now in Norway for six weeks together with Dionys Moser, the owner of the company, and Raymond Hoffmann, Thomas Heitmar, Michael Volkart, Martin Bütikofer and Ronny Wuethrich, the other tour-guides and tour-drivers. Within a rotation of 6 days we have two groups of guests coming to Tromsø and we try our best to be in the right place at the right time. Our main aim is for everybody to take loads of (good) pictures home as well as long lasting memories of the northern lights, Tromsø and its surroundings.

Even if the days are quite short up here there is plenty to see and do in and around Tromsø.

...and you can always have some fun and try out new things too.